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The career of Addison, as described in the preceding chapters, hasexemplified the great change effected in the position of men of letters inEngland by the Restoration and the Revolution; it is now time to exhibithim in his most characteristic light, and to show the remarkable servicethe eighteenth century essayists performed for English society in creatingan organised public opinion. It is difficult for ourselves, who look onthe action of the periodical press as part of the regular machinery oflife, to appreciate the magnitude of the task accomplished by Addison andSteele in the pages of the Tatler and Spectator. Every day, week,month, and quarter now sees the issue of a vast number of journals andmagazines intended to form the opinion of every order and section ofsociety; but in the reign of Queen Anne the only centres of society thatexisted were the Court, with the aristocracy that revolved about it, andthe clubs and coffee-houses, in which the commercial and professionalclasses met to discuss matters of general interest. The Tatler andSpectator were the first organs in which an attempt was made to giveform and consistency to the opinion arising out of this social contact.But we should form a very erroneous idea of the character of thesepublications if we[Pg 79] regarded them as the sudden productions of individualgenius, written in satisfaction of a mere temporary taste. Like allmasterpieces in art and literature, they mark the final stage of a longand painful journey, and the merit of their inventors consists largely inthe judgment with which they profited by the experience of manypredecessors.
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